Author: etechinteladmin

History usually unfolds in tiny, imperceptible increments. It is a rare event that changes civilization – suddenly, visibly, irreversibly – but that is what we have witnessed over the last few years. Now, nearly every facet of society has shifted, from personal relationships to giant government bodies to the inner workings of business – with previous behaviors and ideas becoming extinct, and new norms quickly replacing them.

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L’intelligenza artificiale è ovunque. Questa tecnologia, riservata un tempo a ricercatori e istituzioni, è emersa in una vasta gamma di aree, tra cui l’infrastruttura di rete, le piattaforme e i servizi. Grazie all’intelligenza artificiale, gli sviluppatori di software possono ora creare diverse soluzioni intelligenti. Questo report, Guida per gli sviluppatori sulla creazione di applicazioni di intelligenza artificiale, Seconda edizione, ti permette di scoprire in modo pratico le possibilità offerte dall’intelligenza artificiale.

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Nell’ultimo aggiornamento alla Guida per gli sviluppatori puoi scoprire come iniziare a lavorare a qualsiasi progetto in pochi minuti grazie ad ambienti di sviluppo completamente configurati, sicuri e ospitati sul cloud. Scopri come ottenere il massimo dai servizi essenziali di Azure per aiutare l’organizzazione ad adattarsi alle esigenze del business in rapida evoluzione.

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Phishing has long been one of the most pervasive cyberthreats, and it grows every year. According to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), phishing reported the most victims nationally in 2020, and according to the 2021 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, 35% of all data breaches involved scams trying to steal people’s sensitive information or login credentials.

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Data is the lifeblood of today’s digital organizations. One of the biggest challenges organizations face is how to allow users to exchange data freely while keeping it from falling into the wrong hands. Nowhere is the tension between security and productivity more pronounced than when it comes to data sharing.

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APIs are a contract between the service provider and service consumer. When any application uses an API, it needs to conform to an agreed-upon standard, with implicitly set expectations. What happens behind the scenes is of no concern to the consumer, enabling the service provider to use whatever means necessary to deliver the value. The service provider may choose any technology to deliver the service, and it may or may not optimize the resource being utilized to deliver the service.

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